Sunday, 16 February 2014

Essie Fiji Nails of the Day

I have been very slack on the nail polish front lately as I have been swimming 2-3 times per week and have found it impossible to find a nail polish that will last through one swimming session let alone any more.

Enter Essie Fiji. Now I don't know if this will be true of all Essie polishes but I will endeavour to find out. I bought this about a month ago and just tried it for the first time 3 days ago. I have been swimming twice since. It has survived incredibly well. I am truly amazed. I did have a slight scratch in the polish before it dried completely but I can't blame the polish on my carelessness!

The second picture shows the polish freshly applied. First picture shows it on day 3 after 2 x 40 minute swimming sessions. It's pretty impressive.

I must mention that I have not used a top coat on this. I have applied a base cost followed by 2 coats of Essie Fiji. This omission may be the reason the polish survived the swims. I'm now wondering if using my normal top coat, which is Seche Vite, is actually reducing the longevity in water. I must find out if this is actually the case.


  1. Very pretty!!! would you like to follow each other with GFc and Bloglovin? let me know...
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  2. Thank you. I'll definitely follow you xx



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